March Birth Flower:
Cherry Blossom, Daffodil and Crocus

Cherry Blossom March Birth Flower

What are the birth flowers for March?

March babies have some of the most eye catching flowers out there to celebrate their birth month! The March birth flowers are Cherry Blossom, Daffodil and Crocus. Read on to find out more about these beautiful blooms, their cultural significance and folk histories around the world…

At the bottom of the page, I have also included some line drawings of all these flowers which you might find helpful inspiration if you are looking to get a tattoo based on your birth flower.

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Cherry Blossom | Daffodil | Crocus | Tattoo Ideas

Cherry Blossom March Birth Flower

March Birth Flower: Cherry Blossom

Symbolism: Ephemerality, Spirituality, Elegance

Zodiac Signs: Aries & Pisces

The cherries’ only fault:
the crowds that gather
when they bloom

I'll forget the trail I marked out
on Mount Yoshino last year,
go searching for blossoms
in directions
I've never been before

- Saigyō Hōshi

Cherry Blossom March Birth Flower

We start our round up of March Birth Flowers with the Cherry Blossom or Sakura. These spectacular flowers bloom in the northern hemisphere in early spring (March - April) and really are a beautiful sight to behold.

Dumplings and Flowers

Cherry Blossom March Birth Flower

Sakura is the national flower of Japan, their magnificent blooms are seen to represent clouds and the ephemerality of life.

The Japanese people love Sakura so much there that they even have a word for enjoying their beauty! The custom of "Hanami" (花見, "flower viewing”) involves enjoying the blossoms of cherry and plum trees when they bloom in the springtime. Many people go to parks and gardens and hold "Hanami parties" under the blossoms, celebrating their beauty and the coming of springtime.

Cherry Blossom March Birth Flower

Food is also a big part of these celebrations, there’s even an ironic idiom “dumplings rather than flowers" (花より団子) which implies many people go to these parties more for the tasty snacks than to appreciate the cherry blossoms... Personally, I would like to think it's a bit of both, but good dumplings are hard to beat!

A Symbol of Royalty

Birth Flower Image

Cherry Blossoms are also often featured in Irezumi, or Japanese tattooing, due to their significance both as a national symbol and their wider cultural associations with grace, nature and spirituality. Sakuara flowers are often combined with other popular imagery such as dragons and Koi fish to create pretty and meaningful tattoo art. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find some cherry blossom tattoo inspiration!

Daffodil March Birth Flower

March Birth Flower: Daffodil

Symbolism: Fortune, Pride, The Eyes of your Beloved

Zodiac Signs: Aries & Pisces

Daffodils Birth Flower

It would be impossible to write about march birth flowers without mentioning the plucky daffodil! It’s one of the most evocative symbols of springtime and is an important flower in many cultures and folk traditions around the world.

Birth Flower Image

Cenhinen Pedr

As Welsh person I feel duty bound to start this section talking about the significance of daffodils in Wales. Daffodils, or “Cenhinen Pedr” in Welsh, are the national flower of Wales and are worn every march 1st on St David’s Day.

Birth Flower Image

There are many Celtic customs associated with daffodils. In Wales, if you are the first person to see a daffodil bloom, it is considered good fortune for the year ahead. There is another folklore tradition that says if you are careful not to step on daffodils as you walk through the forest you will gain good luck and abundance.

Birth Flower Image

The Eyes of your Beloved

Daffodils are also important to other cultures around the world. For example, in Iran they are a symbol of the new year celebration of Norwaz, which happens in late march around the spring equinox.

In Persian culture, the daffodil symbolises the eyes of your beloved, and the theme of “Nargisi ankhein” (meaning “eyes like narcissus”) has been returned to many times by artists and poets. The lovely Persian girls name “Narges” means daffodil too.

Daffodils Birth Flower

Greek Gods and Victorian Meanings

Daffodils are a member of the Narcissus family (see my December Birth Flower page for more info on this facinating flower family). Because of their associations with Narcissus, the Greek god who fell in love with his own reflection, they were seen of in the Victorian language of flowers as representing one sided or unrequited love. However, nowadays daffodils no longer have these connotations and make a lovely gift for a loved one, especially around springtime when they are most abundant.

Peony March Birth Flower

Birth Flower March: Crocus

Symbolism: Fortune, Wealth, Protection, Love

Zodiac Signs: Aries & Pisces

"Just a little Green,
Like the color when the spring is born,
There'll be crocuses to bring to school tomorrow"
-Joni Mitchell, "Little Green"

Crocus Birth Flower Image

The final birth flower for the month of March is the beautiful and intriguing crocus. These low growing blooms grace hedgerows and parks in early spring. Due to their production of the spice saffron, they have been cultivated by humanity since records began.

Crocus Birth Flower Image

A Spicy History

The saffron crocus (Crocus sativus) is known for its prized red stigmas, which are harvested and dried and used to produce saffron, one of the world's most expensive spices. Saffron is a staple flavour in many Middle Eastern foods such as khoresh, halwa and mouhalabiyeh, as well as the Spanish dish paella.

Crocus Birth Flower Image

The Flower of the Underworld

Alongside January’s birth flower the snowdrop, crocuses are associated with the greek god Persephone and her return to earth from the underworld.

Crocus Birth Flower Image

It’s possible that the name crocus comes from a Greek legend. The story goes that there was a mortal young man named Crocus (Κρόκος) who had an affair with a nymph called Smilax. For some reason (accounts are a bit hazy!) he was dissatisfied with the relationship, and so the gods turned him into a crocus as punishment! Harsh but fair I would say.

Birth Flower Image

Folklore and Magic

There are many folk stories and superstitions surrounding crocuses. In Switzerland in the 1800s, mothers would hang saffron around their children's necks to protect them from harmful spirits. While in other European countries such as Germany and England, it was considered bad luck to pick crocuses as it was thought that they would draw away your strength. Crocuses are also traditionally used by witches during the springtime celebrations of Imbolc and Ostara.

Read Next:
February Birth Flowers | April Birth Flowers

March Birth Flower Tattoo Ideas: Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom March Birth Flower Tattoo
Cherry Blossom March Birth Flower Tattoo
Cherry Blossom March Birth Flower Tattoo
Cherry Blossom March Birth Flower Tattoo
Cherry Blossom March Birth Flower Tattoo

March Birth Flower Tattoo Ideas: Daffodil

Daffodil March Birth Flower Tattoo
Daffodil March Birth Flower Tattoo
Daffodil March Birth Flower
 March Birth Flower

March Birth Flower Tattoo Ideas: Crocus

Crocus March Birth Flower Tattoo
Crocus March Birth Flower Tattoo
Crocus March Birth Flower Tattoo
Crocus March Birth Flower Tattoo
Crocus March Birth Flower Tattoo
Crocus March Birth Flower Tattoo
Crocus March Birth Flower Tattoo
Crocus March Birth Flower Tattoo
Crocus March Birth Flower Tattoo
Crocus March Birth Flower Tattoo