The Hermit
Yes or No Tarot Card Meaning

The Hermit

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YES (Upright)| NO (Reversed)
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The Hermit Upright

Meaning: YES

Solitude, Reflection, Wisdom

"But I'll tell you what hermits realise. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything."
- Alan Watts

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What is the meaning of the Hermit tarot card?

Just as nature has summer and winter, we too have periods of action and stillness in our lives; both are beautiful. The Hermit tells you to embrace this quiet time - it's an opportunity for personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.

In the stillness of solitude, you can uncover profound insights and connect with your true self. Take time for introspection, meditation and self-reflection. Trust your inner voice and allow it to illuminate your path forward.

Explore and build on your own passions and interests and use them to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Appreciate the wisdom gained from your experiences and share it with others around you. Meditate on this quote by Franz Kafka: "Isolation is a way to know ourselves."

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Love and Relationships

The Hermit card in relation to love suggests you are taking time to get to know yourself and love yourself. You may have been through a time in the past when you found it hard to do this, maybe you struggled with your confidence, or outside sources made you feel unworthy of love.

You are now in a place where you can see clearly all the wonderful things you have to offer the world and your potential partner.

Happiness begins with loving yourself, not in a narcissistic way, in a way that acknowledges all your flaws and talents as part of what makes you unique.

Remember the famous quote by RuPaul:

"If you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?!"

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Career and Finance

In terms of career prospects, the Hermit card could suggest a time where you are retreating into your shell at work. Perhaps you are taking some time off, or just working quietly on a project by yourself. Use this quieter time to reassess and think about what you really want out of your job. In your free time try to read, research and develop your skills in ways that could benefit your career in the future.

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The Hermit

The Hermit Reversed

Meaning: NO

Isolation, Withdrawal, Fear of the Unknown

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
- Anaïs Nin

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What is the meaning of the reversed Hermit tarot card?

The reversed Hermit card signifies a period of isolation and withdrawal. It may indicate a fear of the unknown or a resistance to seeking help and support from others. Your solitude has become a prison, cutting you off from meaningful connections.

While introspection is valuable, excessive withdrawal can lead to feelings of loneliness and stagnation. Recognise the importance of human connection and seek support from others.

Step out of your comfort zone and allow yourself to be open to new experiences and perspectives. Break free from negative self-limiting thoughts; these are just thoughts, they are not the truth! You don't have to suddenly become a party animal, but if you are feeling isolated it's good to reach out to others, whether this is friends and family or starting a new hobby to meet new people and create new support structures.

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Love and Relationships

The reversed Hermit could suggest a time of loneliness or rejection by a lover. Perhaps you feel unable to connect to your partner in the way you used to. You feel like they are shutting you out, but you don’t understand why. In this situation it may be good to try talking to a couple’s therapist to develop better ways of communicating with each other.

If you are single, you may feel that you will never meet the right person. You may have been badly bruised by love and feel like cutting yourself off as a way of protecting your feelings, but this is making you feel even more isolated with your memories.

Be kind to yourself and take time to heal, but don’t forget to reach out to loved ones and make new connections too. Don’t let a traumatic experience make you feel like this is the way things will always be. You deserve to be loved and you will find it, but remember to love yourself too.

Here's a beautiful quote by Haruki Murakami about healing:

“What happens when people open their hearts?”

"They get better.”

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Career and Finance

In terms of your career, perhaps you have felt so burned out by work you have stopped caring or putting in much effort into your job. This card suggests you should try making new connections and networking, either as a way to find a new job, or just to reignite your interest in your current career.

Click here for your one card "Yes" or "No" tarot reading.