November Birth Flower:
Chrysanthemum, Dahlia and Peony

Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower

What are the birth flowers for November?

November babies have some of the most eye catching flowers out there to celebrate their birth month! The November birth flowers are Chrysanthemum, Dahlia and Peony, each of of them is pretty spectacular and fascinating in their own right. Read on to find out more about these beautiful blooms, their cultural significance and folk histories around the world…

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Chrysanthemum | Dahlia | Peony | Tattoo Ideas

Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower

November Birth Flower: Chrysanthemum

Symbolism: Longevity, Royalty, Cheerfulness

Zodiac Signs: Scorpio and Sagittarius

When the winter chrysanthemums go,
there's nothing to write about
but radishes
- Matsuo Bashō
(Translated by Robert Hass)

Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower

The name “chrysanthemum" aside from being a bit of a devil to spell, is derived from the ancient Greek words for gold “χρυσός” (chrysos) and flower “ἄνθεμον” (anthemum). As the haiku above suggests, Chrysanthemums are one of the last blooms of the year, making them the perfect birth flower for November babies! While these flowers may take a while to arrive, they are so gorgeous they are definitely worth the wait…

Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower

Chinese Celebrations

Chrysanthemums are particularly important to many Asian cultures. They were first cultivated in China as far back as the 15th century BC and feature significantly in a lot of Chinese art. Along with Plum Blossom, Orchids and Bamboo, Chrysanthemums are one of the “Four Gentlemen”(四君子) of Chinese art. The flowers also feature in celebrations, such as the Double Ninth Festival, a day on which people traditionally go for hikes and drink wine made from chrysanthemums - sounds like the perfect day out!

Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower

A Symbol of Royalty

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Chrysanthemums also feature a lot in Japanese culture, particularity in relation to royalty, the royal seal of Japan is a Chrysanthemums and the Emperor’s throne is known of as the “Chrysanthemum Throne”.

Chrysanthemum "dolls", often depicting characters from kabuki, anime and Disney covered from head to toe in the flowers, are widely displayed across Japan during autumn. The city of Nihonmatsu even hosts an exhibition of these dolls every year in the ruin of Nihonmatsu Castle.

Dahlia November Birth Flower

November Birth Flower: Dahlia

Symbolism: Originality, Beauty, Diversity, Ingenuity

dahlias Birth Flower

Probably one of the most diverse and spectacular flowers there are, Dahlias are another beautiful birth flower for the month of November!

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A Symbol of Mexico

Dahlias are originally from Mexico and play an important part in Mexican culture and identity, even the national flower of Mexico is the Dahlia. The Aztec word for Dahlia is “Cocoxochitl” and the Dahlia was an important part of Aztec society. Ancient Aztec poeples grew Dahlia tubers as a food crop, as well as using them for medicinal purposes, such as in the treatment of epilepsy. Due to Dahlias hollow stems, the Aztecs also ingeniously used them as water pipes, talk about versatile!

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A Strange but Beautiful Flower

One of the first accounts of Europeans encountering Dahlias was in the late 1700s, when French botanist Nicolas-Joseph Thiéry de Menonville was sent to the Mexico to try and steal cochineal insects (which are often used to produce red dye) and bring them back to France. While sneaking around Oaxaca, he reported seeing some very "strange but beautiful flowers" growing in the gardens…

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Flower Power!

The largest flower parade in the world is the "Bloemencorso Zundert" which takes place in the Dutch town of Zundert every year on the first Sunday in September. Only Dahlias are used to decorate the floats in the parade which have included giant tigers, pirate ships and the face of Vincent van Gogh. Around 8 million Dahlias are grown every year just for the festival alone!

Peony November Birth Flower

November Birth Flower: Peony

Symbolism: Romance, Prosperity, Happiness, Elegance

Zodiac Signs: Scorpio and Sagittarius

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The final birth flower for the month November is the stunning Peony! While in the Northern Hemisphere peonies usually bloom in early summer (May - June) in the Southern Hemisphere the seasons are reversed, so peonies blossom in November.

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Peonies belong to the Paeonia genus, with different species and varieties showcasing a variety of different colours, shapes, and sizes. Their large, showy blossoms make them a standout in gardens and floral arrangements, and they are one of the most popular choices for wedding bouquets and tattoo inspiration.

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Queen of the Flowers

Peonies have been cultivated for over a thousand years, with records of their cultivation dating back to ancient China. The Chinese word for peony is 牡丹 (mǔdān), which means “the most beautiful”, and in Chinese culture peonies symbolise wealth, honour, and happiness. Peonies are often depicted in traditional ink drawings and textile designs as a representation of femininity, beauty and grace.

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A Symbol of Defiance

An old Chinese fable tells the story of Empress Wu Zetian, the first and only female empress of China. One winter the formidable empress ordered all the flowers in the royal gardens to bloom on her command, all of them did, except one flower: the peony. In a furious rage the empress banished peonies from the royal gardens and ordered all the peonies in the city to be destroyed. Since then, in Chinese culture peonies have been seen of as a symbol of independence and the importance of being in harmony with nature.

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Keep an eye on the Woodpeckers!

Peonies also have been used throughout history for medicinal purposes. In Europe in the Middle Ages, the seeds and roots of peonies were used to treat a variety of ailments including gall stones, nightmares, stomach ache, diarrhoea and labour pains. There was also a grizzly superstition during this time that if a woodpecker saw you picking peonies it would peck your eyes out! Yikes!

Read Next:
October Birth Flowers | December Birth Flowers

November Birth Flower Tattoo Ideas: Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower Tattoo
Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower Tattoo
Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower Tattoo
Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower Tattoo
Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower Tattoo
Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower Tattoo
Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower Tattoo
Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower Tattoo
Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower Tattoo
Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower Tattoo
Chrysanthemum November Birth Flower Tattoo

November Birth Flower Tattoo Ideas: Dahlia

Dahlia November Birth Flower Tattoo
Dahlia November Birth Flower Tattoo
Dahlia November Birth Flower Tattoo
Dahlia November Birth Flower Tattoo
Dahlia November Birth Flower Tattoo
Dahlia November Birth Flower Tattoo
Dahlia November Birth Flower Tattoo
Dahlia November Birth Flower Tattoo
Dahlia November Birth Flower Tattoo

November Birth Flower Tattoo Ideas: Peony

Peony November Birth Flower Tattoo
Peony November Birth Flower Tattoo
Peony November Birth Flower Tattoo
Peony November Birth Flower Tattoo
Peony November Birth Flower Tattoo