The High Priestess
Yes or No Tarot Meaning

The High Priestess

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The High Priestess Upright

Meaning: YES

Intuition, Wisdom, Mystery

"There is no instinct like that of the heart"
- Byron

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What is the meaning of the High Priestess tarot card?

This card signifies a profound understanding of the mysteries of life. You possess a heightened sense of intuition, which allows you to tap into hidden knowledge and uncover the secrets of the universe.

Trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice, it will guide you on the right path.

Embrace the power of stillness and introspection; it is within these moments of quiet reflection that wisdom emerges.

By trusting your inner knowledge and delving into the realms of the unknown, you can navigate the inevitable ups and downs of life with grace and adaptability. Allow the High Priestess to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

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Love and Relationships

If you are in a relationship the High Priestess tarot card indicates that your love is deepening and you are learning new things about your partner and yourself. Now is a time to be honest and open and make important mature decisions about your shared future.

If you are single the High Priestess card tells you to take time to deepen the relationships you have with your friends. Often in society we put so much emphasis on finding romantic love above anything else, but platonic love is also a beautiful, meaningful and life changing experience. Celebrate this love, give time to care for your friends and let them know how important they are to you.

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Career and Finance

The High Priestess card suggests a period in the future where you will study and perhaps enrol in university. You will have the chance to gain new insights about your work and develop new interests and career avenues. Enjoy this time of learning and growth. In terms of money follow you gut feelings and listen to your inner wisdom.

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The High Priestess

The High Priestess
Tarot Card Meaning


Lack of Insight, Hidden Agendas

"Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s"
- Billy Wilder

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What is the meaning of the reversed High Priestess tarot card?

The High Priestess card is reversed when you are feeling disconnected from your inner voice and unable to make decisions. This lack of clarity leaves you vulnerable to manipulation from others with hidden agendas. Beware of being overly passive or easily swayed by others' opinions.

It is important to remove any barriers that are inhibiting your intuition. Take time for introspection and self-reflection. Seek to uncover any underlying fears or doubts that may be clouding your judgements. By addressing these issues, you can regain your intuitive abilities and a sense of clarity and purpose.

By remaining true to yourself and trusting your judgement, you can navigate the complexities of life with greater clarity and authenticity.

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Love and Relationships

The reversed High Priestess suggests a time in romance when you feel cut off from your intuition. Perhaps you have been going through a very confusing time romantically and you haven’t had space to listen to your emotions.

You are spending too much time following what your partner or others close want to do. You have got into a pattern of saying things that they want to hear, but this is making you feel unheard. Its good to listen and compromise, but you also need to feel respected and included in decisions too. Tune in to you inner voice, set aside time for quiet and mediation, and rediscover your desires and needs.

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Career and Finance

The reversed form of the High Priestess card indicates a time in your career where you feel like you are just drifting along. You have lost you passion for your work and have got used to being passive and letting others call the shots. Perhaps now you are starting to resent this. Reconnect with what drives you and try and be more vocal in work situations. Your colleagues may be shocked at first, but they will respect your assertiveness!

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