The Magician Yes or No Tarot Card Meaning

The Magician

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YES (Upright)| NO (Reversed)
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The Magician Upright

Meaning: YES

Manifestation, Power, Creation

"What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create."
― Buddha

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What is the meaning of the Magician tarot card?

The upright Magician card represents the incredible power and potential within you to manifest your dreams into reality. You are a true magician, capable of transforming ideas into tangible creations!

Explore your creative and imaginative abilities, listen to your dreams and tap into your inner resources. With focused intention and clear vision, you are in a position to shape you own destiny and bring about positive change for yourself and others.

Unlock your full potential by aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions.

Embrace the role of the Magician in your life and step into your innate ability to bring wonderful things into the world!

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Love and Relationships

The Magician, the first numbered card of the Major Arcana, signifies powerful new beginnings. Perhaps you have recently entered a new relationship, or a new chapter of an existing one. If you are single and looking for romance you are at an important point where you have the possibility of manifesting your hearts desires. Have a clear vision of what you want from a new partner, and be focused on this goal.

Listen to you intuition and be open with any current or prospective partners about what you want from your relationship. With commitment and creativity you have the opportunity to create a really positive new chapter for yourself.

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Career and Finance

As with romance you also have the possibility to start a new avenue in your career. Perhaps you have an idea for a business project or a goal at work, it won’t all be smooth sailing, but with hard work, creative thinking and adaptability you have the ability and talent to turn your dreams into reality, remember the Buddha’s words : “what you imagine, you create!”

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The Magician

The Magician Reversed

Meaning: NO

Maninpulation, Illusions, Things are not as they Seem

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, study, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do"
― Pelé

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What is the meaning of the reversed Magician tarot card?

You are charming and talented but at the present time you may find yourself using your skills for selfish purposes or to deceive others. Beware of falling into the trap of illusion and manipulation, it may get you what you want in the short term, but ultimately it will not help you.

It is important to examine your intentions and the ethical implications of your actions. Avoid using your power and influence to control others. Instead, strive for authenticity in your relationships.

Be cautious of falling into the illusion of quick fixes. Put in the work, stay grounded and aligned with your values. Instant gratification is tempting but it’s better to follow the path of long-term growth; you will learn more this way, have more genuine relationships and be happier for it.

By shifting away from this negative energy, you can reclaim your personal power and use it in a way that uplifts and helps yourself and others.

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Love and Relationships

The reversed Magician card indicates a time where you may be really trying or wanting to start something new but you are having difficulty realising your goals. Romantically this could mean you have faced rejections or dashed hopes in love. Perhaps you feel unsure where to go from here. Don’t despair. You may not be where you want to be in your life right now, but you know what you want and sometimes this is half the battle! Keep aiming for your goals, but try new approaches to meeting people, connect with your creativity and listen to your inner voice and you never know what special person you may meet.

If you are in a relationship you may feel the romance has recently hit a brick wall. You want things to move forward but you are finding it hard to convince your partner. You have felt desperate and resorted to manipulative tactics to try to get your partner to do what you want. This isn’t a long term solution and will only cause problems down the line. Be honest with your partner about your frustrations rather than trying to twist them to your way of thinking, and stop and check in with yourself before trying to guilt trip or charm people to your way of thinking.

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Career and Finance

In terms of work, you may have found that you have been able to get quite far ahead by charming people and not putting in that much effort. This may have caused feelings of bittiness amongst colleagues who have realise what you are up to. Ask yourself: is this really the way you want to get ahead?

Equally you may be really desperate for a new job or a promotion but you find you keep getting rejected. Take a step back and think of approaching it from a different angle. For example, if conventional methods aren’t working, why not try setting up your own business venture or sending an email to a company you like the look of and asking if they have work? This may feel embarrassing or odd, but you never know what opportunities you could find when you approach things with a more creative mindset!

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