The Hierophant Yes or No Tarot Meaning

The Hierophant

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YES (Upright)| NO (Reversed)
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The Hierophant Upright

Meaning: YES

Strength, Wisdom, and Guidance

“I’m so thankful I didn’t end up with what I thought I wanted”
- Blcksmth

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What is the meaning of the Hierophant tarot card?

The Hierophant card is telling you that, through your recent life experiences, you have gained a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. People appreciate your wisdom, you have become a beacon of knowledge and inspiration for those around you.

In embracing the positive energy of this card, you have also learned to honour your own beliefs and spiritual path. You have found solace in connecting with something greater than yourself, whether through religion, spirituality or personal philosophy.

As you continue on your journey, try to share your wisdom with compassion. Remember, you were not always in this position, so offer kindness to those who may be struggling to find their path. Share your wisdom, knowledge and encouragement with others and you will continue to grow as well.

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Love and Relationships

If you are in a relationship, the Hierophant card can represent that you are in a period of commitment and calm. Things may feel quieter right now and maybe less exciting, but your partnership is deepening. The Hierophant card suggests tradition, this could be more conventional, maybe you are looking to get married or start a family, it could also refer to more unconventional or individual traditions you share as a couple. Whatever it is, enjoy making plans together and deepening your bond.

If you are single but looking for a relationship, the Hierophant card suggests seeking guidance from someone who you respect (usually an older member of your family or community) in order to gain some advice and learn from their experiences. Perhaps you can also try exploring new ways to meet potential partners. Seek out social projects you find meaningful, this way you can meet people with shared values, which can lead you to finding more compatible relationships too.

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The Hierophant

The Hierophant Reversed

Meaning: NO

Insecurity, Naivety, People Pleasing

“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you”
― Rupi Kaur

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What is the meaning of the reversed Hierophant tarot card?

The Hierophant card in reverse hints that your genuine acts of kindness and willingness to fit in with others have been misinterpreted as signs of weakness. Some individuals may have taken advantage of your selflessness. As a result, your own needs and well-being have been neglected as you tirelessly strive to please those around you.

It is crucial to recognise the importance of setting boundaries. While your caring nature is admirable, it is equally essential to be kind to yourself. It is impossible to please everybody. If people care about you, they will respect how you feel, and if they don’t, then they are not worth the trouble. Embrace self-empowerment and stand firm in prioritising your own well-being too.

By finding a balance between caring for others and prioritising your own needs and beliefs, you can establish healthier relationships and that will make you feel happier and more secure. Remember, true kindness encompasses taking care of yourself as well!

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Love and Relationships

An impact of your people pleasing could be putting a strain on your relationship. Maybe you are always trying to please your partner and they are taking advantage of this, or perhaps they are tired of seeing you manipulated by people you are close to. Listen to others but don’t let them walk all over you!

If you are single, the Hierophant reversed advises against settling for relationships that do not feel right for you. It’s difficult to put emotions and aside, but try not to feel pressured to conform to family expectations just to make other people happy, you are living your own life, not theirs! Look for connections that make you feel good. Just becuse things are traditional, doesn't mean they are right, or will suit you.

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Career and Finance

You may have recieved poor or misleading advise about your finances from someone who presented themselves as an 'expert', who turned out to be anything but! Learn from this. Everyone gets conned sometimes. In the future, be more cautious about who you trust your money with, and go with your gut, if an offer feels too good to be true, it probably is. Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a free lunch!

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