The Sun
Yes or No Tarot Meaning

The Sun

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YES (Upright)| NO (Reversed)
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The Sun Upright

Meaning: YES

Happiness, Celebration, Success

“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.”
- Andy Rooney

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What is the meaning of the Sun tarot card?

Here comes the sun! The positive Sun card radiates with vitality and joy.

It signifies a time of abundance, security and contentment on the horizon for you, where you are basking in the warmth of life's blessings.

The Sun card brings a message of positivity and optimism for sunny days ahead! It represents a period of growth, happiness and inner harmony. You are shining brightly, and your enthusiasm and confidence attract new opportunities and positive experiences into your life.

Embrace the joy of now! Celebrate your achievements that brought you here. Continue listening to your authentic self and let your soul shine.

Remember to share your light with others and spread positivity wherever you go and there will be no stopping you.

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Love and Relationships

The positive sun card tells you to be confident in yourself and what you have to offer to a relationship. Be open and generous with your love but also strong in your needs. This doesn’t mean you are self centred, you just know what you want and that’s a good thing.

If you are experiencing stresses in your love life, be sure that things are looking brighter on the horizon. Continue to be open and positive, radiate your light to your loved ones, and things will work out for the best. The Sun card also suggests energy and adventure, perhaps you can look forward to better days and plan a new adventure with someone important to you.

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Career and Finance

Career-wise The Sun card tells you to be confident in you skills and what you have to offer. If you are looking for a new job, approach each interview with this mindset of positivity, you’ve got this!

Share your knowledge with others and help them succeed too. If work has recently left you feeling disheartened, try to pursue new opportunities that can bring you more fulfilment. Maybe you will take a financial hit in the short term... but longer term these projects could prove to be far more rewarding.

Click here for your one card "Yes" or "No" tarot reading.

The Sun

The Sun Reversed

Meaning: NO

Ego, Confusion, Overconfidence

"Your ego can become an obstacle to your work. If you start believing in your greatness, it is the death of your creativity."
- Marina Abramovic

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What is the meaning of the reversed Sun tarot card?

The reversed Sun card appears at times when you may be losing sight of what matters and becoming a bit too self-centred. This card is a reminder to temper your pride and find balance within yourself.

Step back and assess your actions and motivations.

Let go of the need for constant validation; this stems from insecurity and is not helpful. Instead, focus on genuine connection with others, listen to their advice, even if you dont want to, and grow.

Be mindful of the impact of your actions on those around you. Remember that true success comes not only from personal achievements but also from the ability to uplift and inspire others. Be humble and open so you can continue on your journey of growth and self-improvement.

By addressing the negative aspects of the Sun card, you can realign with your true essence and find genuine joy and success.

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Love and Relationships

Look for honesty in your relationships, maybe things have been confused lately, perhaps you or your partner have been acting quite immaturely and need to take time to appreciate each other. Resolve issues through communication and sharing, and don't let things fester or they will only get worse.

Equally perhaps you have been overly optimistic in a relationship, and got your hopes dashed. Perhaps you are feeling bruised and unconfident and finding it hard to see positives. The Sun card reminds you that this is only a temporary situation, don’t let the darkness and negativity consume you, it will lift soon.

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Career and Finance

Try and not be too optimistic or blasé about work opportunities. Address challenges at work with confidence, but don’t be too proud to ask for help when you need it. It’s good to be independent, but remember the best things are made in teams.

Click here for your one card "Yes" or "No" tarot reading.