Yes or No Tarot Card Meaning


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Justice Upright

Meaning: YES

Fairness, Integrity, Healing

“Healing also means taking responsibility for the role you play in your own suffering”
- Anon

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What is the meaning of the Justice tarot card?

The upright Justice card signifies that you are in a time of resolution and healing from previous grievances.

It can be hard to let go, but it's important right now to approach all aspects of your life with an open mind and a compassionate heart.

You can stand firm in your values while also listening to others' opinions (even if they are conflicting with yours!) and act with maturity and integrity. Seek truth and fairness in your decisions and relationships and be honest about your feelings; you will create a positive situation for yourself and those close to you moving forward.

Embrace the concept of karma and trust that justice will prevail. Treat others with fairness and respect, and expect the same in return.

Embrace the power of forgiveness and let go of grudges, they are water under the bridge of life. Let the healing begin.

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Love and Relationships

The upright Justice tarot card in regards to relationships symbolises fairness and a search for truth. You may have had an argument with your partner or feel you have been treated unfairly by someone you are close to.

You must stand up for what you believe and what you know is right. Don’t tiptoe around to avoid confrontation. You should show compassion and understanding to whoever has wronged you, and forgive if it is possible. But also be strong in what you believe and know is right. Only then you can move on.

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Career and Finance

In terms of finance the justice card can suggest that you are engaged in some sort of financial dispute. Maybe you have been cheated out of some money or not refunded by a company as you are legally entitled. Fight for your rights, no matter how frustrating the process is, you are in the right and you will find vindication.

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Justice Reversed

Meaning: NO

Imbalance, Injustice, Dishonesty

"Forgiving isn’t something you do for someone else. It's something you do for yourself... It’s saying, 'You don't get to trap me in the past. I am worthy of a future."
- Jodi Picoult

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What is the meaning of the Justice tarot card?

The reversed Justice card signifies situations where fairness is compromised, and dishonesty or trickery prevails. This imbalance may be causing conflict and a sense of frustration or powerlessness.

Assess whether you are compromising your own values or allowing others to take advantage of you. Be vigilant of any manipulative tactics that may be at play.

Stand up for what you believe is right and seek resolutions that promote fairness and equality. Examine your own actions and motivations, ensuring that you are always behaving with integrity and honesty.

Remember that however frustrated you may be feeling at this time, you are not powerless.

Your actions, however big or small, have the power to influence a positive change in your life and help you get throught this challenging time.

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Love and Relationships

Perhaps you have had an argument and you feel deep down that maybe you have been in the wrong or acted unfairly. Now is a time be brave in take responsibility for your actions. The more you try to dodge accountability or push down your feelings of guilt, the more they will eat away at you. Act with honesty and maturity and face the consequences. You will feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders when you do and your relationship will be stronger for it.

You may also feel anger towards people who have wronged you in the past. You may find your thoughts dominated with bitterness towards this person, which is holding you back from enjoying life. Talk about how you are feeling to people who love you. It may also be worth talking to a professional to help you move through this feeling. Remember Maya Angelou’s words “One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to forgive”.

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Career and Finance

In relation to your career and money, the reversed Justice tarot card suggests that you may have been treated in an unjust way. Perhaps you have been scammed out of some money or not given credit for your hard work. You may be feeling frustrated and stressed. You may not have the energy to to win this battle, but you can still learn from it.

As Albert Einstein put it: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

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