The Wheel of Fortune
Yes or No Tarot Card Meaning

The Wheel

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YES (Upright)| NO (Reversed)
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The Wheel of Fortune Upright

Meaning: YES

Good luck, Success, Karma, Happiness, Turning Points

“The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.”
– Aesop

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What is the meaning of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card?

The wheel of life is turning in your favour! This could manifest in a variety of opportunities for you: fulfilling relationships, financial gains, career advancements, and personal growth. The positive Wheel of Fortune card signifies that good things are heading your way.

It is important to remember that this positive phase is not solely a result of good luck. Your dedication, perseverance and hard work have played a significant role in positioning you where you are today. Enjoy this time, you've earned it.

This is a moment to celebrate and acknowledge your achievements, but it is equally crucial to remain grounded. Appreciate the fruits of your labour and do not take them for granted. Remember what goes around comes around, and the energy you put out into the world will always come back to you, like a boomerang! Maintain a balanced perspective as you continue moving forward, and extend kindness and support to others who may be facing their own challenges.

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Love and Relationships

The upright Wheel of Fortune card suggest an unexpected and very positive change in your love life and relationships on the horizon! Perhaps you will soon meet someone new who will become very important to you or you will deepen an existing relationship. Remain adaptable and open minded to new experiences and embrace the positive opportunities for love that this card suggests. Remember that the Wheel of Fortune will keep turning so this doesn’t mean that everything in your love life will be perfect forever, so keep a level head when making big decisions. Also remember to support and be kind to loved ones who are not experiencing the same good fortune right now.

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Career and Finance

The upright Wheel of Fortune card indicates that now may be a good time to change your career or start a new business venture. Luck is on your side right now and so this card tells you to seize the moment and make your dreams a reality! Stay adaptable and open to new opportunities and keep networking to find people who may be able to help you on you way.

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The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed

Meaning: NO

Loss, Lack of Direction, Setbacks

"Only in the darkness can you see the stars."
— Martin Luther King Jr.

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What is the meaning of the reversed Wheel of Fortune tarot card?

The Wheel of Fortune in reverse comes to you during challenging times. Things are hard right now. Stay strong, persevere and grow.

The negative side of the Wheel of Fortune signifies a difficult period where setbacks may hinder your progress. This bad luck may leave you feeling uncertain and disheartened, as the wheel of life seems to spin out of your control.

During this time, it is important to remember that life's ups and downs are inevitable, and this phase is just a part of the larger cycle of your life. It's also an opportunity to reflect on your past actions; even if events feel out of your control, you can still learn from them. This doesn’t mean that your current situation is your fault, or you should beat yourself up about past mistakes, but taking ownership of your actions can help you to feel less helpless and more in control of how things affect you. Try to understand the lessons of the past as growth opportunities embedded within challenging times.

Remember, life won't always be like this. Though the wheel may be turning against you now, it will shift in your favour again, and bring you new opportunities and renewed fortune.

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Love and Relationships

The reversed Wheel of Fortune card reminds us that change is constant, sometimes this can be good, sometimes bad. One of the beautiful and terrifying things about life is that it is always throwing surprises at you. Right now you have experienced some negative changes in your relationships that are causing you to feel depressed and directionless. This could be due to a break up, the loss of a friendship or a family argument. Often people talk about ‘getting over’ feelings of sadness, but really it’s about getting through them. Its good to connect with your feelings right now, experience them and know that they will ease with time.

Connect with your creativity and find solace in reading, music and poetry that can express how you're feeling and give you a sense of community. Remember though things may feel bleak right now everything happens for a reason, and you will find new loves, connections and brighter days ahead. Take this quote from Marilyn Monroe: "Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

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Career and Finance

You may feel like things aren’t going very well in your career. Maybe you have experienced multiple setbacks and frustrations that make you feel like you want to give up. No matter how you try things just aren’t working right now.

Try not to put too much pressure on yourself right now, instead go with the flow and remain optimistic that things will change soon. Perhaps your career or financial goals right now are a bit too rigid, try and be adaptable and open to different opportunities that may come your way.

Click here for your one card "Yes" or "No" tarot reading.