The Star
Yes or No Tarot Meaning

The Star

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YES (Upright)| NO (Reversed)
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The Star Upright

Meaning: YES

Hope, Inspiration, Healing

"Hope is a thing with Feathers"
- Emily Dickinson

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What is the meaning of the The Star tarot card?

The Star card represents a beacon of hope and inspiration is coming into your life. It signifies a time of renewed faith and optimism, where you are guided by a sense of purpose and inner strength. Allow these feelings to illuminate your path moving forward.

The Star card brings a message of healing and renewal. It reminds you that no matter how challenging your journey may be, and non matter how difficult your past struggles, there is always hope for a brighter future.

Trust in the universe and have faith in your inner voice and quiet confidence to overcome obstacles.

The Star card encourages you to connect with your true desires and express your authentic self. Your inner light and confidence will attract others to you, shine bright and share it!

Allow your dreams and aspirations to guide you towards a life filled with joy and fulfilment.

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Love and Relationships

In the Major Arcana, the Star follows the Tower card, it signals that you have recently been through huge upheavals and trauma but you are now in a place of happiness and healing. The Star card suggests that now is a time to feel very hopeful and optimistic about your love life and relationships. Know that you are deserving of love, stay strong in who you are and what you know. Be open to meeting new people and finding new possibilities for romance, even in unexpected people and places!

If you are in a relationship continue working together on communication, if you can continue being open and honest about your feelings the you relationship will blossom.

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Career and Finance

Perhaps you have just had a period of a lot of stress at work, people have relied on you and you have had a lot of weight on your shoulders. Know that your positivity during this period has not gone unnoticed. Continue to develop your experience and work towards your goals and you will see the benefits.

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The Star

The Star Reversed

Meaning: NO

Disillusionment, Lack of Direction, Self-Doubt

“Love is so short, forgetting is so long.”
― Pablo Neruda

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What is the meaning of the reversed Star tarot card?

The reversed Star card reveals a state of disillusionment and lack of direction in your life.

It signifies a time when you may be feeling lost, disconnected or overwhelmed. It is a reminder to reconnect with your dreams and aspirations.

Maybe you have been so busy and stressed you haven’t had time to do the things that bring you joy. Take time to yourself to rediscover your old passions, or maybe find new ones. Seek support and guidance from others who can inspire and uplift you during this time of uncertainty.

Don’t let the setbacks you have encountered dishearten you, ultimately they will make you stronger and more able to recognise the things that are important to you.

Embrace self-discovery and never forget that, even in moments of doubt and darkness your inner light is always there, ready to guide you towards brighter times.

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Love and Relationships

The reversed Star card suggests you need to take some time for yourself to recover, perhaps from a break up, the loss of a friendship or a bad argument. The shock has passed and the worst is now over, but you should still take time for self-care and healing. Avoid rushing new relationships or romanticising partners too much. Learn from your past experiences, take care of your heart and heal old wounds.

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Career and Finance

You may be feeling burned out by your job. Work that once was exciting for you may now feel boring and tedious, or downright exhausting! You may feel negative and depressed about your ambitions for the future. Don’t lose hope! Try to reframe your perspective, look for projects that interest you in your current job, talk to your boss about making some changes to your work schedule or responsibilities, and identify projects where your creativity can shine.

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