The Fool
Yes or No Tarot Card Meaning

The Fool

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YES (Upright)| NO (Reversed)
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The Fool Upright

Meaning: YES

Truth, Originality, Contentment

"Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness"
- Allen Ginsberg

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What is the meaning of the Fool tarot card?

This card signifies your discovery that the road less traveled often holds the greatest rewards. You have chosen to follow your own unconventional path, guided by your inner truth and originality. Despite encountering doubts and criticism from others who may have label you as foolish, you have remained steadfast in your beliefs.

The challenges you have faced along the way have only served to strengthen your resolve and shape your character. Your courage to be true to yourself and embrace your uniqueness is an inspiration to those around you. The problems of the past don’t need to worry you any more, you have passed through these struggles.

Embrace the contentment that comes from living authentically, and continue to inspire others to do the same. Stay true to your own path, trust in your intuition, and let your originality shine.

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Love and Relationships

The Fool card is number 0 in the Major Arcana, it symbolises the endless possibilities that are open to you right now. This card tells you to follow your heart, you may not know exactly where you’re going but that’s the beauty of life, you will work it out on the way.

If you have been feeling a lot of pressure or stress about your romantic future, this card tells you to relax and enjoy the moment you are in right now. It’s human to feel overwhelmed about the future sometimes, but just take everyday as it comes. Feel positive that events will work themselves out, like the Fool in the card you just need to step out into the unknown and trust the universe’s plan. If you are in a relationship be carefree and curious, try new things with your partner, discover new aspects of each other’s personalities. Be playful, loosen up and reconnect with that wonderful feeling when you first fell in love. If you are single enjoy the independence and freedom this brings you, you may miss it once you are in a relationship! Be spontaneous, let your hair down, meet new people and have adventures.

Ponder on this quote by the philosopher Alan Watts:

"To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float."

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Career and Finance

Perhaps you are starting a new project or career, maybe you have decided to study a subject you love. The Fool tarot card asks you to approach your work with a sense of curiosity and openness - learn and ask questions. Don’t be embarrassed if you don’t how to do a task, everyone starts out as a beginner. Perhaps you have a great idea for a new way to earn money, follow this feeling, even if you don’t know exactly how or if it will work out, if you never try you never know!

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The Fool Reversed

Meaning: NO

Illusion, Recklessness, Naivety

The truth will set you free (but first it will piss you off!)
- Gloria Steinem

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What is the meaning of the reversed Fool tarot card?

When The Fool card is reversed it reflects a state where you may find yourself taken in by deceptive appearances and making decisions without fully grasping their potential consequences. The allure of freedom and the pursuit of new experiences may lead you down a path of impulsiveness, which can create issues.

Your lack of worldly wisdom may have caused you to overlook crucial details, but you can grown from this. By learning from past mistakes, you can navigate future endeavours with greater clarity and maturity. Strive to strike a balance between spontaneity and responsibility, integrating wisdom into your decisions. Listen to the advice of people who care about you, even if it’s not what you want to hear.

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Love and Relationships

Perhaps you have been naive about your past relationships or entered into romances recklessly without thinking of the consequences for everyone involved. You might be feeling the fallout now. Maybe your have experienced fickle love that has made you feel foolish or used. There is possibly lack of commitment in your relationships that isn’t satisfying you. Try not to romanticise new lovers too much, it’s fun to get carried away in the idea of a new person, but make sure they are who they present themselves to be, otherwise you may get hurt.

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Career and Finance

The reversed Fool card suggests that you have lots of creativity and ideas in your work, but maybe you don’t have the dedication to see thing through right now. Perhaps you have taken on too may projects and now you feel overwhelmed. Maybe you committed to doing things that you now don’t want to do. Perhaps you feel bored and you are looking to change your career. Listen to these feelings but also seek advice before making any rash decisions.

Financially, look for new opportunities but don’t be reckless or too impulsive with your spending. Have fun but set realistic budgets.

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